- Paris : Take the motorway to Rennes, then the tollfree motorway to Rennes then Quimper (600km)
- Nantes : Toll-free motorway to Quimper (250km)
- Rennes : Toll-free motorway to Quimper (220km)
- Quimper : 25 km
- Roscoff : 0 825 828 828 (105 km) www.brittany-ferries.fr
Quimper (25 km) Tel: 3635 (within France)
Bus connections to Douarnenez
(35 minute journey, ticket 2,5€)
Tel : + 33 (0)2 98 90 88 89 (within France)
Sales office near the tourist office

Plage du Ris and view on old port of Rosmeur|