‘A vast garden near the town centre’
As you walk in, you’re surprised to find yourself in this area of greenery and trees, curiously hidden away given that it covers nearly 50 acres and sits above Rosmeur Port, just beyond the town. It includes a little hamlet of stone-built cottages typical of the 1700s, and these have been converted into stopover holiday accommodation, set within a farm park that is home to several Breton breeds. Childhood memories will resurface, along with the same childish wonder as you come face to face with Brittany’s rugged sheep from the moors or from Belle-Ile-en-Mer, black-and-white cows, large white pigs from the west, and the beautiful dappled cockerel known as Coucou de Rennes. Every springtime, when the baby animals are born, children of all ages are delighted – including those who are all grown up!